Products > Fittings for filling stations > N17-O-PID

Product description:
Optical Overfill protection (fail safe),
with integrated, reprogrammable PID inside the overfill protection pipe for cross over prevention COP.
According EN 14116 (2013-01) / EN 13616 (2010-03) as well as ATEX.
Simultaneously unloading with all available discharge hoses.
Technical features:
- No amplifier needed on the tank truck.
- Message #4 (EN14116) included.
- No overfill protection cable needed. Information of overfill status and product code are transmitted through the hose.
- Easiest operation for the tank truck driver.
- No overfill protection socket needed at the filling station. Easy and economical installation.
- No PID-Box needed at the filling station.
- Adjustable switching point / height.
- Only one cable needed from the N17-O-PID to the hose connection.
- Cross over prevention according to EN 14116.
- Only one electrically insulated hose connection needed.
- Based on our well-established N17-O overfill technology (EN 13922) for tank trucks.
- Return line through a second product hose, vapour recovery hose or an earth bonding reel.
Information and contact:
H. Niehüser Armaturenbau und Vertriebs GmbH
Wankelstraße 3
33449 Langenberg
Tel: +49 5248- 823 53 -0
Fax: +49 5248- 823 53 -20
E-Mail: kontakt {ät}