Die H. Niehüser Armaturenbau und Vertriebs GmbH ist einer der führenden Hersteller von Spezialarmaturen und elektronischen Komponenten für Mineralöltankfahrzeuge und Tankstellen.

Product list:

The H. Niehüser Armaturenbau GmbH is dealing with the following products in several kategories:

Products > Metering systems > Lubrication Oil Measuring System NMA-OIL

Lubrication Oil Measuring System NMA-OIL

Lubrication Oil Measuring System NMA-OIL

Product description:
Measuring system for the compensated delivery of lubricating oils or comparable products from road tankers and IBC containers.
- Reliable oval gear meter principle
- Compensated measurement according to MID
- 2-Stage valve for precise dispensing
- Various electronic counters can be used, e.g. SAM BASIC 5, Bartec PETRODAT 3002

Technical features:

Information and contact:

H. Niehüser Armaturenbau und Vertriebs GmbH
Wankelstraße 3
33449 Langenberg

Tel: +49 5248- 823 53 -0
Fax: +49 5248- 823 53 -20
E-Mail: kontakt {ät} niehueser-armaturenbau.de